English information

Welcome on the page of the third autumn ultramarathon called Zapomenuté hory - "Forgotten mountains". Perfect forest trails will lead you through the most beautiful places of borderline mountains called Rychlebské hory. Rychleby are the most forgotten mountains in the Czech Republic. They are full of wild and spectacular spots. Everyone who ever visits this part of the world will be in love with it for the rest of his or her life. Get to know them through the eyes of the experienced local, like just a few people before you. It will be strong experience... In the evening after the race we all will meet in the special atmosphere, where there will be a talk, exhibition and also some fun atferwards - perfect opportunity to end the running season up. We are looking forward to meet you!
Více fotografií (22)
Zapomenuté hory - ukázka míst


Saturday 21th October, 2023


The centre of the race:

Tábor v Račím údolí - Uhelná 126 - Jeseník district - 79070 - GPS: 50.3714714N, 16.9999644E
Parking for the competitors and their accompaniment is for free near the areal of the race.


Races will lead through the deep valleys and remote ridges of Rychleby mountains. The second longest and the longest races will lead you also to a highest mountain of the nearby "Gór Bialských", which are the Polish part of the Rychleby mountains. Every thrilled runner will surely enjoy the movement on the perfect many kilometres long trails on the ridge, that is exactly on the border of the Czech Republic and Poland. We chose the trails thoroughly and therefore they will lead to the most amazing places that you can find here, like deserted rocks, deep old woods, but also to beautiful mountain meadows and abandoned villages of a former Sudetenland. We want the race to fullfill dreams of everyone who loves trailrunning and nature. It will be hard but also entertaining. No asphalt roads unless the very beginning and the very end. The maps and the lenghts of the races might change a bit.



We will soon inform about the day of opening the registrations - follow this page or our Facebook.

Presence and picking up the starting number
  • Friday 20th October 2023 - 17:00 - 22:30 hod (all races, inside of the main building)
  • Saturday 21th October 2023 - 05:30 - 09:00 hod (all races, outside in the white tent)
  • Saturday 21th October 2023 - 05:30 - 06:30:00 hod (76 km, outside in the white tent)
  • Saturday 21th October 2023 - 06:30 - 08:00 hod (46 km, outside in the white tent)
  • Saturday 21th October 2023 - 08:00 - 09:00 hod (26 km, outside in the white tent)
  • 76 km - 07:00 (limit 16 hours)
  • 46 km - 09:00 (limit 11 hours)
  • 26 km - 10:00 (limit 7 hours)

The start of all the races will be always collective and in the area of "Račí údolí". The finish will be in the same place.

Aid stations:
  • 76 km - 3x big one with food and drinks + 2x smaller one with fruit, water and iont drink + 5x water spring in the forest
  • 46 km - 2x big one with food and drinks + 1x smaller one with fruit, water and iont drink + 3x water spring in the forest
  • 26 km - 1x big one with food and drinks + 1x smaller one with fruit, water and iont drink + 2x water spring in the forest
Controls and marking:

Each of the races will be provided with several control points, at the aid stations as well as somewhere else on the trail. There will be also controls where you'll have to mark the paper with pliers, not only chips.

Races will lead mostly on marked tourist routes on the main ridge of Rychleby mountains. In the confusing and not marked areas there will be our own temporary marking. Each participant will get the map at the presentation point. There is also detailed describtion of the routes on the other side of the map but unfortunately not in English. We are happy to help you with anything you need to know so don't hesitate to ask questions about anything that's not clear to you. 


Mandatory equipment:
  • 76 km and 46 km: ID card or passport, headlight, mobile phone, thermo aluminium foil
  • 26 km: ID card or passport, mobile phone

Each of the routes will lead on the border with Poland, 46 km and 76 km courses lead also behind the border in Poland. Therefore you need to have you ID or passport. At the end of October it gets dark aroud 5 pm, so for the middle and long route there is necessary to have also a headlight. Races will lead through very remote places, so you should have fully charged phone with active roaming. Be aware there are plenty of spots where it's impossible to find any reception, you will have to be responsible for yourself. From the experience we demand racers on the 46 km and 76 km to be equiped also with thermo aluminium foil, as the conditions on the main ridge can be very harsh compare to the valleys. Don't underestimate our little mountains. :)

By registration to the race you agree you run the race on your own safety risk. In case of problems you should contact the organizer. The phone numbers are printed on the map.

Recommended equipment:

The race will be at the end of October. In case of sunny weather you will experience dry trails a unforgettable colourful mountains. In case of rainy weather there is a possibility of the first snow higher in the mountains or muddy terrain, it will be also quite cold. We highly recommend you to take water and wind proof jacket, light gloves, a hat and also aluminium foil for a case of emergency.


There will be three winners both in man and woman category, that will get prizes from our sponzors.


Right in the area of Račího údolí (the start and finish of the race). There will be also available to sleep in the nearby gym or some other accomodation possibilities in the city of Javorník. Feel free to contact the organizer if you need some help.


If you need any information, contact us at: zapomenutehory (at) seznam.cz

Vytisknout stránku Vytisknout stránku5. 7. 2019, 12:53, zobrazeno 5922x, dnes 0x